ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко

I. Comprehension check Practice 1

Answer the following questions:

  1. What does negotiation mean?

  2. When is negotiation used?

  3. What examples of negotiations conducted between countries do you know?

  4. What are the main stages of the negotiation process?

  5. What activities are involved in the planning of the negotiation process?

  6. What is the role of interpersonal relationship building in the negotiation process?

  7. Can you call exchanging task-related information the most important step of negotiation; if not, why, why not?

  8. What does the success of the persuasion step depend on?

  9. In which way does the general approach to finalizing the agreement differ with the Americans on the one hand and the Asians and Russians on the other hand?

  10. What is a crucial key to effective negotiation?

Practice 2

Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text.

  1. Negotiation is used not only to arrive at a solution but also to….

  2. These are several basic steps in the negotiation process such as….

  3. After identifying the objectives, the negotiators would like to attain they….

  4. Giving little attention to the phase of interpersonal relationship building Americans forget that….

  5. At the exchanging task-related information phase, the participants are trying to find out what….

  6. Persuasion is a very important stage of negotiations because….

  7. The phase of agreement can be carried out….

Practice 3

Arrange the main stages of the negotiation process in the correct order

Practice 4

Explain in English (in Russian) what the following words mean.

  1. recapture

  2. an objective

  3. economic expansion

  4. facilities

  5. a joint venture

  6. management

  7. frustration

  8. negotiation