ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко

Practice 4

Match the words (1-8) with their definitions in the bubbles (a-j)

1. disclosure, 2. to give room, 3. to anticipate, 4. to relate, 5. to be willing to do smth, 6. consequence, 7. to extend, 8. critical, 9. to exploit, 10. noxious.

Practice 5.

Think of suitable words for the following definitions:

  1. the effect or result of an action or event

  2. to provide something that the other party want or need on very profitable conditions

  3. the opinion or attitude that a government or organization has about a subject

  4. to let others know smb’s name

  5. the deliberate making of certain conditions that could exist in reality, e. g. in order to study them or learn from them

  6. to respond to smb with an opposite view, idea, offer

  7. an offer to pay a particular price for something; an offer to do work for someone at a particular price

  8. communicating through gestures, expressions of the face, had and body movement

  9. to ignore the rules, to disobey a law, agreement