ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко

Negotiating Strategies and Tactics

Mexico's negotiating … resists categorization into phases such as "opening moves," "period of assessment," "end game," and "implementation." In fact, … dictate whether Mexicans begin with а position that is "extreme," "reasonable," or "non-engaging." In … …, expectations about oil prices correlate closely with Mexico's behavior at … … ….

Intractability. During the days of rising oil prices, Mexican … frequently displayed an intractable or non-engagement style. The Mexicans might eventually ask … … tangential to the initial presentation, prompting аn unsatisfactory discussion. Nonetheless, they refuse even to indicate that they felt а natural gas agreement would be … … …. The sessions proved to be "very painful".

In the negotiations that produced а U.S.-Mexican trade subsidies agreement in April 1985, Mexican negotiators started out with … … … but eventually became more reasonable. The three-year accord requires that domestic industries demonstrate а direct injury before higher tariffs can be imposed on subsidized Mexican merchandise entering the American … . The lack of any major trade treaty between … … …since the late 1940s reflects the deep distrust toward the United States by Mexico.

  1. strategy; 2. а question; 3. the bargaining table; 4. negotiators;

  1. the two nations; 6. а good idea; 7. an extreme position;

8. recent years; 9. market; 10. circumstances;

EXERCISE 3. Practice your abilities in discussion.

Read the article to find out the main ideas. Put 10-15 questions to the text then with the help of your questions discuss it, expressing agreements or disagreements, exclamations, additions as well as summarizing your ideas (for the purpose use the material of section 2). Then retell it.

  1. to embrace – воспользоваться

  2. lofty – высокомерный

  3. to furnish – заставлять, снабжать

  4. а burden – ноша, груз

  5. a foe – враг, недруг

  6. a fidelity – верность, преданность

  7. a repository – склад, хранилище

  8. prominent – известный, выдающийся, выпуклый